Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kitchen Countertops are in! Well…Almost

We bought the granite for our countertops from Solazzo Marble and Granite in Columbus.  Tony Solazzo was great to work with.  They have an awesome selection of huge slabs of marble and granite and I was able to go in and pick the actual piece I wanted.  And Bella, their sweet sweet dog was always welcoming when I came in.  For the countertops I chose Absolute Black.

I looked at a couple of other blacks, like Black Pearl but I wanted as true black as I could get.  
For the black island I wanted a contrasting countertop.  This was a little tough because many of the granite pieces were either too brown or too grey or too busy.  I took home a few chunks to play with and decide.  Mainly deciding between Kashmir White and Ivory Brown.  At the end of the day I chose Ivory Brown.  
(I will say I don't think this picture is a good representation of the color.)
With all the grey I didn't think anything with the word brown would be in my selection but the piece they had was beautiful.  I picked a piece with a huge vein down the middle that had a ton of character.  BUT…. Things happen and somehow the measuring did not include the overhang for the additional seating on the end of the island so I had to go back and pick another piece.  I was thrilled with how it turned out.  Once again, I stayed in the category of granite for my pricing….YAY!!!

The grey's are difficult to work with to not make it too cold.  This countertop had just enough warmth that it helps blend in all the colors.