Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Geothermal installation

Not as much visible progress today but it still feels like we are cruisin'.   Today they worked on the geothermal installation. Going with a geothermal system was a big decision for us. It was something we always said we would do if we built a house. But when they hand you the pricing it really makes you want to run.....in the short term. After a lot of research we decided it was worth it for us.  If we were planning to be here for 5-10 years it would not be worth it. Since the plan is to be wheeled out of this place when we are old and gray (yes, we even made parts of the house handicap accessible), it is worth the investment.
 These trenches are 6 feet deep, 120 feet long.

You can see Ken laying the coils of tubing up and down the trenches. 

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