Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hidden Gem Darby Creek Metro Park

Thanks to a school project.  A and I had the delight to explore the Darby Creek Metro Park. They have a relatively we nature center which is fantastic.  Inside they have a living stream with all sorts of species found in the Darby Creek area. This little guy was posing for lots of pictures when we were there.
After exploring the inside of the facility, it was great to get out and walk some of the wooded trails on a fall day. 

Then we went to check out the bison, which I had no idea were even there!  It was a gorgeous fall day and it reminded me what great Metro Parks we have here in Central Ohio.  So of course I immediately came home to sign the little kids up for some of the programs they have to offer.  I totally forgot how much of that we did with the older kids.  We are very fortunate to have these types of facilities and I must remember to take advantage of these free programs!  Click on this link to check out the  Central Ohio Metro Parks

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