Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Miracle or Mean Mom of the Year Award

     The new house provided a great place to hide and wrap all the Christmas presents and since we were living in a tiny tiny house, I thought it would be great to have the kids open their presents in the new house.  But how would we go about doing that Christmas morning?
     Our oldest is in 5th grade and surely this will be her last year believing in Santa Clause so he might as well go out with a bang.  
     I had a master plan to set up the basement in the new house with a tree and all the presents but prior to the kids coming to the new house we thought we might put a damper on the sugar plums dancing in their heads.  We planned to have the awaken to no presents in the rental house and lead them to believe Santa had put them on the dreaded NAUGHT LIST!!  Then surprise them with all of their presents in the new house.  
     They played into my plan nicely by being especially naughty on Christmas Eve.  Our normally well behaved children had been overcome with a holiday spirit that was anything but nice.  There was crying, fighting and even biting if I remember correctly.  It almost pleased me that they had picked this night of all nights to be as naughty as I had ever seen them.  They were so naughty indeed that I couldn't even take them to Christmas Eve service at church!  
This would make the Naught List story all that more believable!!

Here's how it went down (Excuse the videography with the iPad.  I'm aware it's horrible)

After the horrible news they opened up the gifts they had bought for each other.  Then they had a plan:

This is what I had set up at the house on Christmas Eve:

Keep in mind I had kept them out of the house for quite some time so they had not seen the cabinets or anything yet.  

And finally the big reveal:

Some thought it was a very mean trick but none of the kids took it that way.  I think it will be something we will all look back on and laugh….except maybe Owen:)

It was a great Christmas Morning! Happy Birthday Jesus!!

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