Saturday, January 25, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Since I have been a total slacker on updating this blog, it is definitley time to play catch up!  I figure I need to start somewhere so why not start with today and work backwards!!?  We will see how it goes. We are less than 1 month away from moving in!!! Which I totally cannot believe.  It seems like it was just yesterday we started yet it seems like we have been waiting forever.  
So much has been done since Oct 20 which is where I have to start posting from, believe it or not.  Today the lockers in our laundry/mud room were built and installed.
These were drawn and re drawn several times.  At first I had designed it with 5 lockers (1 for each kid and then 1 for Jeff and I).  Then I saw all these great ideas on Pinterest and Houzz that made me think i wanted a separate cabinet for laundry baskets.  I loved how organized it looked, so I knocked it down to 4 and a vertical cabinet with shelves for laundry baskets.  When the measurements came out I did not like the size of the lockers or the cabinet so we moved it to 4 lockers.  We are putting a shelf up higher to sit the baskets on.  
*for those pinterest addicts that have seen the baskets under the washer/dryer, beware.  Lot of noise when those washers and dryers are on a wood platform.  That is why we didn't go that route.  

So here are the lockers!  You can see in the second picture better that I had outlets installed in each locker.  All phones, ipads etc can be plugged in here at night.  Those of you who know me know that I am not a big device fan when it comes to the kids.  I'm hoping to create a habit that this is where things get plugged in at night.  We don't need to be taking phones, ipads, etc into the bedrooms at night.  We will see how successful this is.  I'm also hoping this habit will result in fewer LOST devices!!

The top compartment will have doors, the bottoms will have drawers.  Each locker is approximately 19" wide.  I'm hoping this will be perfect for 3 hooks in each one.  

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