Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Digging for Buried Treasure

So I may have mentioned the old torn down barn on our property.  Well intermittently I go out there and dig around for things that may possibly be used in the house.  It is like a little treasure hunt.  Most of it is just junk but there are some things I may consider using.  It's just a Pinterest post away from greatness, right?

 This is an old frosted window.  I'm thinking of cleaning it up and putting a monogram on it and using it in the bar in the basement.
 These are structural supports I'm thinking of using somewhere.  They are super heavy so I will have to be careful where I can put these.
I love old weathered wood.  Again, this will definitely be used in the basement bar.

 It's pretty grow and I try not to touch too much in there but there is so much stuff to dig through out here!
 Doors, hinges, springs, you name it!!

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