Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Some people are just wired that way

So many things about this process are fun.  Then there are the things that are not so fun, at least for me.  ELECTRIC.  Walking through the house deciding where every single outlet and switch is going to be about killed me.  It is one of those things that if it is done right, you never appreciate it.  If a switch is in the wrong spot, it could drive you loco for as long as you live there (rest of my life).  Pardon the pun, but I am just not wired for that kind of work.   I can log electrician as one of the jobs I could not do.  Didn't help that this process happened at the end of a very long work day.   Luckily our electrician was very good with his suggestions.  It's amazing how they think of everything.  I admire their work and attention to detail.

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