Sunday, October 20, 2013

October 20

Here is some of the progress made on the stone out front this past week.  And here is the stone that was started on the back of the house.
We are still working on tearing down the barn in the back of the property and continue to find more and more treasures that I can see working inside the new house somewhere.  
This really cool old window post drill could make some really cool decor items for the basement.

These are super heavy solid wood made from 4x4's.  I think they might be too heavy to hold a shelf which is how I originally saw them being used.  Now I see them as accents in a doorway.
 Here are some pics of inside the barn and some of the reclaimed wood I've pulled off of it.

Once again, it was great to have some visitors out tonight.  Wide open country makes for some good pellet gun target practice.

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